Toad Ladder to Freedom
Summer before last (or was it the summer before that?) I noticed a little toad in my basement window well - you know, those corrugated aluminum-lined pits outside a window just below ground level. My neighbour had a new large pond and I'd heard a wonderful chorus of frogs or toads during the spring nights. That must be where it came from. I figured the toad wouldn't be able to climb out itself because of the straight sides of the window well but by the time I got back to trying to rescue it, it had disappeared: escaped .... or hidden.
Well, the toad ended up living there all this time - one or two summers and winters! I didn't actually noticed it until one day I came upon my cat sniffing around a hole in the clay-lined bottom of the window well. There was the toad, now a good size - about three inches across, peeking out from its little burrow. The cat just sniffed then left it alone.
For many days I pondered how I could catch the toad without hurting it. I dropped a few grasshoppers down for it, gave it a plateful of water, and checked often over the summer. It had somehow managed to survive on its own all this time, so I wasn't too worried it would continue to do so. It was always there, peeking out with its dark beautiful eyes from its smoothly curved burrow in the clay.
Finally I got the idea to prop a flat board into the well - maybe it would climb out on its own. One afternoon I scrounged up an appropriate piece of old lumber - one wide enough, the right texture and length for a good toad ladder - and gently placed it in the well. Thinking the toad might not notice the board for a while or would at least wait for the cover of nightfall to make its escape, I left it in peace and carried on with outside chores. When I double-checked a few mintues later, there was the toad already at the top of the board! What a beautiful creature - light gray, dusty nubbled skin, dark eyes, and cute little front feet. I froze, full of guilt for not thinking of the board sooner. How desperate it must have been! For here it was willing to risk a daylight climb on the toad ladder to freedom.
While I watched, it hopped off the end of the board, then into the thicket of snowberry. That was the right direction to the neighbour's pond, so I let it be. I never saw it again but I dream it made the 50 meter trek over the lawn, through the rose garden, the raspberry patch, and flower beds, to the pond where it fulfilled its heart's desire doing what toads do. Good luck little toad!
10 October 2015
18 May 2015
More on alphabetical consonants to describe bird songs
In a very haphazard way, I am still trying this out (see previous post about Cheeseburgers).
So far, it is working in that it makes sense to me.
How it works is, that instead of assigning a recognizable word as a mnemonic for a bird song or to describe a bird song, one creates a description of the song such that each syllable starts with a consonant representing the pitch relative to the other syllables. Consonants closer to the beginning of the alphabet represent a pitch lower than the following syllable which starts with a consonant closer to the end of the alphabet.
Seems simple; but not quite because it's too irritating to try to remember a bunch of pitches on the same note or the notes in the same syllable are so close together a bunch of wee wee wee's drive me crazy.
So, let's try using some other notations to break up the wee wee's with some other consonants. Let's say the consonants used in this way don't have to follow the rule where position in the alohabet represents relative pitch. Let's use:
- a hyphen between notes on the same pitch
- a ' to say the next pitch is higher
- a , to say the next pitch is lower
For example, this morning I awoke to a lifer singing outside a little ways off in the distance. It seems the White-throated Sparrow has at least two song patterns that can both be described by the mnemonic 'Oh Ca na da, Ca na da' etc. The word 'Canada' is a series of repeated notes on the same pitch or a descending series. Nothing in the words 'Oh' and 'Canada' tells on what pitch does 'Canada' start relative to the 'Oh'. And nothing indicated if the song is the type with all notes descending or the first interval ascending then repeated pitches on the 'Canada'
I heard (kinda, more-or-less): too wee, wee-dee-wee, wee, wee-dee-wee ...
Following my rules
- the first note on 'too' is lower pitched than the first 'wee'
- the second 'wee' is the same pitch as the first 'wee'
- and the wee-dee-wee's are all on the same pitch.
The bird I heard started on A flat then went up a minor third. Can you hear it in your own head? This is the ascending song.
The descending song could be described as : wee see dee bee-dee-bee bee-dee-bee bee-dee-bee.
So three descending pitches to start then repeated pitches.
Ok enough. Going to look for catbirds now.
11 May 2015
10 May 2015
eBird Global Big Day
Well this is amazing - almost half the world's species and a way to explore the results. Cool.
click here: Global Big Day results
As of noonish Sunday, 10 May 2015:
click here: Global Big Day results
As of noonish Sunday, 10 May 2015:
02 May 2015
eBird Data - Five Year Comparison
What is eBird
eBird is a free online bird distribution database where anyone can submit bird sightings. In return, contributors get a digital version of their sightings, accessible from any internet capable device, which can be summarized in various ways and downloaded. They also get their checklists organized by geo-political area, the ability to compare their birding activities to others (Top 100), exchange checklists with other users, and much more.From this world-wide collective effort, the general public can access various data summaries and visualizations - for free! Researchers can pay to receive specific data sets including effort data used to calculate frequencies and bird population estimates. As eBird contributions grow, our collective documentation of bird distribution throughout the year and in different areas is getting filled in.
What is this post about
While doing some computer file maintenance, I ran across screen captures I took 5 years ago of the eBird bar charts for my area and thought it would be interesting to compare them to the present. My main purpose for this post is to show how terrific it is to have more eBirders and more checklists coming in. They do actually show something.Keep in mind that the bar charts are frequency histograms representing the frequency a species was recorded on complete checklists each week. As such, they don't tell you the population size just how likely you were to see / record that species (in suitable habitat and all that stuff). But, if there are more birds around, ie. a larger population, you are more likely to record them, it seems to me.
Differences in the 5-year spread of bar charts may be a result of changes in bird populations or they may simply be from there being a greater numbers of birders and/or checklists submitted in the area. I can't tell, and since I had to take statistics twice in university and all I remember are the words 'Anova' and 'Chi squared', I wouldn't trust any statistical analysis I could possibly conjure anyway, but I hope you also find them interesting.
They say over 40% of the bird species in Canada have declining populations (Birdlife Data Zone). But on the other hand, there are more birders and more eBird data. More public data is good. Things are changing in the natural world (which includes us).
The East Kootenay
To me, the East Kootenay (Regional District of East Kootenay / East Kootenay 'county' on eBird) is a prime place to study the impacts of climate change. It has a lot of mountains but it also has the East Kootenay Trench. This valley was once mostly grassland and is undergoing some restoration. It is also feeling the effects of warmer temperatures and changing weather patterns. A couple of mountain passes connect it to the prairies east of the Rockies - which birds can access and to the south are the lower elevations of Montana and Idaho.Comparison details
Following are comparisons, about 5 years apart, of the bar charts of selected species occurring in my area. The top bar chart in each picture are from 2010 and the bottom from 2015. Due to lack of foresight, the relative scales are not totally in proportion; ie. the months don't line up, but since these comparisons are mostly for curiosity's sake, I trust you forgive me.2010 was the third year of the 5-year effort of the British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas which ran from 2008 to 2012. A dedicated handful of locals and dozens of others contributed eBird sightings as a result of the Atlas.
I present possible explanations for the differences as points of discussion - I have no scientific bases for these and most are drawn from my own simple experiences. Suffice to say that ALL differences have been impacted by increased observer coverage: more people going more places and submitting more checklists to varying degrees.Also, these views represent my own and are in no way reflective of the eBird institution nor Cornell. You too can look at the data on the website and come up with all kinds of your own crazy ideas of what is happening with birds in the world.
Bird's range expansion
Some species have definitely expanded their range and time spent in the East KootenayCommon Grackle year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Some Doves' year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Some local population increase / range expansion
Blue Jay year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Sandhill Crane year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Here's how southeastern BC cranes mix it up on the dance floor.
Peregrine Falcon year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Barred Owl year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Definitely not sure what?
American Tree Sparrow year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Bonaparte's Gull year-round distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Increased coverage, observer skills, and / or foreign observers?
Northern Saw-whet Owl distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Great-horned Owl distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 201 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Northern Goshawk distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Cooper's Hawk distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Sharp-shinned Hawk distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Purple Finch distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Pine Grosbeak distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top); Apr 2015 (bottom) |
House Wren distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Virginia Rail distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
The change in the Virginia Rail bar chart is mostly a result of more reporting at Elizabeth Lake, Cranbrook BC.
MacGillivray's Warbler distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
American Pipit distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Black-backed Woodpecker distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Changes in Winter
American Goldfinch distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Trumpeter Swan distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
American Robin year-round distribution, East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Cedar Waxwing distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Cedar Waxwing haven't changed much over the past five years except more people are picking them out of flocks in winter or having them come separately to feeders - just a few, mind you.
Pied-billed Grebe distribution East Kootenay BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
The Pied-billed Grebe bar chart shows how deceptive making any inferences based on these charts can be. There were only a handful of records of them in the winter since 2010 but from the bar chart, it looks like they are more consistently seen in the winter - not true. So any or all of my comments above could be total bunk.
Seasonal distribution of two swallow species East Kootenay, BC; Jun 2010 (top), Apr 2015 (bottom) |
Actual statistical analysis from scientists is needed to make real sense of all this wonderful data. First, the data has to be there. Keep up the good work, eBirders. Governments: keep your scientists on staff and hire back the ones you cut, idiots.
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