
06 April 2016

My Top 20 by numbers counted

It's dark out.
Just for the heck of it, I summed up some of my eBird data.

How many birds have I counted?

121,530 of 395 and some spuhs and slashes

Here are the top 20 species I have counted:

By number of checklists that species is on:

Common Name CountOfSubmission ID
American Robin 873
Common Raven 846
Northern Flicker 676
Mallard 531
Red-breasted Nuthatch 516
American Crow 486
Song Sparrow 479
Dark-eyed Junco 472
Canada Goose 465
Black-capped Chickadee 452
Chipping Sparrow 434
European Starling 409
Mountain Chickadee 408
Tree Swallow 404
Pine Siskin 395
Yellow-rumped Warbler 384
Red-tailed Hawk 360
House Finch 328
Red-winged Blackbird 327
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 309

And by number of individuals:

Common Name CountOfSubmission ID SumOfCount
Canada Goose 465 11951
Bohemian Waxwing 35 8112
Snow Goose 19 5126
Mallard 531 5122
European Starling 409 4922
American Wigeon 184 3460
Common Raven 846 3242
American Robin 873 3022
Tree Swallow 404 2663
American Coot 177 2487
Red-winged Blackbird 327 2167
Pine Siskin 395 1884
American Crow 486 1827
Chipping Sparrow 434 1724
Dark-eyed Junco 472 1702
Common Goldeneye 220 1649
Ruddy Duck 152 1639
Black-capped Chickadee 452 1496
Bufflehead 186 1449
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 148 1444