A song is complex if it has more than one tone, discernable elements and / or different or variable phrases?
A 'confusing' bird song is one that sounds very similar to another species and needs to be studied to be able to tell them apart. lol.
This Yellow-rumped Warbler sonogram shows a one-phrase song. Remember: not all individual Yellow-rumps (aka Butter Butts) sing this song; probably not a good example because of the Myrtle's / Audubon's lumping but a good example of a one-phrased song with a monotonous trill.
Aspects of a song
- pitch
- duration / length
- tempo / speed
- phrase, phrasing
- transition / change to next phrase
- melody
- song type
- voice
- rhythm
- pitch
- duration / length
- emphasis
- element / part
- pattern
- moderate - pitch
- rising / ascending - phrase
- falling / descending - phrase
- pure - tone
- fast - trill
- slow - trill
- piercing - tone, voice
- melodic - voice
- variation - between, within, or of phrases
- thin / weak / soft (quiet) - tone, voice
- strong / loud - tone, voice
- pick-up tone - rhthym
- the transition speed between parts of a phrase
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